LE RÊVE at Tonnau Short Film Fest 2022
Winner at Tonnau Short Film Fest 2022 // Competition Best Photochemical Film
Winner at Tonnau Short Film Fest 2022 // Competition Best Photochemical Film
21 05 22 / 14:30 at CITY 46 – Bremen, experim. Kurzfilmprogramm / Zitternde Blätter – Stillstehende Zeit, kuratiert von Christine Rüffert / Uni Bremen, eine Begleitveranstaltung zum 26. Internationalen Bremer Symposium zum Film https://www.city46.de/…/gruenes-kino-26-internationales…
http://monoquini.net/blog/index.php?/a-venir/les-episodes-2--atelier-105/ http://www.cinemas-utopia.org/bordeaux/https:// lightcone.org/en/film-12960-le-reve 5 Place Camille Jullian, Bordeaux Tarif : 7€ ou Ticket abonnement curated by Eleni Gioti
ZWISCHENWELTEN / GRAUZONEN / Filmforum HBK Braunschweig WS 2021 Zwischenwelten‘ scheinen mit Vampir-, Zombie-und Spukgeschichten filmisch rundum ausgeleuchtet zu sein; ‚Grauzonen‘ dagegen liegen eher im Blinden Fleck der Imaginationen: besser nicht hinschauen. ‚Grauzonen‘ sind aber allgegenwärtig, unvermeidlich und bedeuten auch nichts Negatives: verweisen sie doch auf die bunte Vielfalt zwischen Schwarz und Weiß. Schattierungen, Nuancen, Detailreichtum und das genaue Hinsehen stehen vielleicht gerade deshalb im Zentrum der experimentellen Arbeit mit dem Filmmedium.
Programs will be curated by veteran experimental film aficionados Nikola Gocić (film writer and critic and visual artist), Marko Milićević (film author and founder of the audiovisual initiative Kino Pleme), Ejla Kovačević (member of Zagreb filmlab Klubvizija and 25FPS festival collaborator), Aleksandra Dalichow (founder of ExperimentaL CinemA and film reviewer), and Csaba Bollók (Hungarian filmmaker and teacher of analog film).
With their fluid approach to structure and close attention to rhythm, the films in this programme demonstrate different ways of expressing connection and interconnection – with oneself, with another, between humans and non-humans, and with both the urban environment and natural surroundings. They ask us to be attentive to the relationship between exterior and interior worlds, transforming perception through new languages of observation and contemplation. https://www.edfilmfest.org.uk/2021/shorts-interconnections/08-21_16-00
Two online film programs, accompanied by introductory interviews with the filmmakers. In 2014, Light Cone initiated the Atelier 105 artist residencies, which are specially dedicated to video-based post-production of films that fall within the realm of experimental cinema. A fully-equipped…