Die Wirklichkeit von Zeit, die Wirklichkeit von Liebe, die Wirklichkeit von Zelluloid, die Wirklichkeit von Beirut, die Wirklichkeit eines träumenden Raben.
ATELIER 105 #1 / Two online film programs, accompanied by introductory interviews with the filmmakers / LE RÊVE

Two online film programs, accompanied by introductory interviews with the filmmakers.
In 2014, Light Cone initiated the Atelier 105 artist residencies, which are specially dedicated to video-based post-production of films that fall within the realm of experimental cinema.
A fully-equipped workspace located in Light Cone’s facilities is available to filmmakers under the supervision of a technician who can train and accompany the artists-in-residence throughout the editing, color grading and sound mix processes of their films, all the way to the creation of a DCP. In 2018, a scanner for 2K & 4K digitization of 16mm & 35mm film was acquired, thus completing the post-production chain.
Over the course of 2019 and 2020, twenty-one films (two features, one medium-length and eighteen shorts) were finalized at the Atelier 105; we are proud to present to you twelve of these films online, introduced by short interviews with the filmmakers.
The Atelier 105 residencies are funded by the Région Île-de-France